UPDATE: The Digital Shift

Studer VistaWe are getting closer to making the decision on a console…kind of.  I spent a good part of the week reviewing the consoles and talking with customers from both products.  As I was reviewing the requirements with the technical sales staff of both companies, I came to an interesting conclusion.  Soundcraft recommended that we look at moving from looking at the Vi6 to the Studer Vista 5 SR.  We had not looked at this console because it was out of our price range, but they have some options that might get it into range.  At this tim,e our requirements are greater than the capabilities of the Vi6.   Soundcraft will be add to the Vi6 and meet todays requirements for a console, but really doesn’t give us much room for growth in the future.

At this point in the process I’m not really interested in reviewing another product, but I did tell the folks at Soundcraft I would give them a few days to get an updated proposal to us.  If it seem interesting we would need to schedule a demo of the console as soon as possible.  I have heard good things about the Studer.  Grainger Community Church just installed three Studer consoles.  We just have to wait and see what they come up with.  In the mean time if you are interested, have a look  at the Studer.

The Digital Shift

Over the past few months at Sugar Creek we have been in the process of evaluating digital audio consoles.  Our current analog consoles are Soundcraft Vienna 2 consoles with a total of 80 inputs.  They are around 12 years old and are getting a little worse for ware.  About a month ago we turned in a report to the finance committee recommending replacing the current consoles with a digital solution.  Today I got the call from the committee chairman letting me know that they approved the budget and to get the project started….thank you!  WE ARE MAKING THE DIGITAL SHIFT!!!!

In the report, we had four console options two of which really didn’t fit our long term requirements.  One option has all of our needs today and the fourth is a nice cosole with a road map of new features that meets the requirements by the end of the summer.  Now we have to choose, that is the hard part.  So what will it be Digico CS-D5 or the Soundcraft Vi6?  Your suggestions are welcome and I can’t fully answer that question right now.

Some other parts of the system are going to need to be upgraded as part of the process.  Starting next week, we will be having a vendor work on getting the stage cabling ready for the switch to preamps on stage.  We also will be ordering a new Aviom II system in the near future to replace our version one system that is not compatible with either of the consoles.  Be looking for more information to come soon.